QR Code menu

How do I create a QR Code menu for my restaurant?

12 October 2023

Do you have a restaurant and are thinking of offering a digital version of your menu?

There are many ways to digitize your menu and offer it via a QR Code. Here are some practical tips on how to create a QR Code menu for your restaurant.

Step 1: Select a reliable solution

Your digital menu can be :

  • in pdf or image format
  • on a page of your website
  • on a web app dedicated to digital menu consultation

When choosing your QR Code menu tool, think about delivering the best possible customer experience, simplifying your team's work and making your life easier with a simple, flexible solution.

Avoid digital menus in pdf format.

They are poorly suited to mobile consultation: you have to zoom in to read the content and prices, which makes navigation tedious. What's more, every time you update your menu, you have to edit the document, make changes and generate a new pdf.

If you choose to display your menu online on your website and provide access via QR Code, take the time to think about the user experience.

Consulting the menu on a website can be a real pain. It can be difficult to navigate through starters, main courses, desserts and drinks. Users quickly feel lost and drowned in a flood of information. You also need to ensure that your site is "responsive", i.e. that the display adapts to the screen format. Don't forget that your customers will access your menu via their smartphone.

If your clientele is international, opt for a QR code menu solution that lets you switch from one language to another with a single click.


Also check that menu items and dishes can be easily updated, that the digital menu is easy to consult and that your products are well displayed. 

The solution from Obypay QR code menu allows you to create, update and translate menus from a single administrator interface.

Step 2: Set up your digital menu

In the interface you've chosen to create your digital menu, compose your menu as you would a paper menu. Starters, main courses, desserts, drinks... Think of an intuitive presentation of your menu, and take advantage of the digital menu to add new items. high-quality images. Appetizing photos of your dishes showcase your cuisine and expertise. Some digital menu platforms also allow you to add details on the composition of dishes, the presence of allergens... etc.

And best of all, once you've generated your digital menu in French, you'll be able to translate it into other languages. At Obypay, the multilingual menu translation is instantaneous. A real time-saver!

Step 3: Generate the QR code for your menu

Several online platforms allow you to generate your QR Code free of charge.

Then choose the type of QR Code holder best suited to your restaurant. Some are available in paper, of course, but also in plastic or metal. The latter offer the advantage of being more resistant and easier to clean. If you've chosen a specialized platform like Obypay, you'll be able to order your QR Code holders directly without going to a printer.

Step 4: Distribute your QR Code menu

Once you've created your restaurant's QR Code menu and set up your QR Code holders, you can place the QR Codes on the tables in your establishment.

Make sure it's clearly visible to customers as soon as they arrive. Place your QR Code in other strategic locations, such as in your restaurant window, at the counter or near the cash register. You can also provide access to your digital menu on all your online media: website, social networks, Google my business page, newsletter... etc.

Step 5: Brief your staff and customers

Some people are not yet familiar with QR Code menus, especially the elderly. Take the time to train your team to welcome customers, inform them of the QR Code menu and answer any questions they may have. You can also see pictures here how to view a QR Code menu created with Obypay.

Step 6: Ask your customers for their opinion

It's a step we tend to forget, and yet it's essential to ensuring a good customer experience. Ask your customers what they liked or disliked. Check that navigation is intuitive and that the presentation of dishes is clear and appetizing. Some QR Code menu solutions integrate a customer satisfaction questionnaire: ideal for gathering information in real time. Visit QR Code menu from Obypay allows you to quickly integrate customer feedback by modifying your online menu in just a few clicks.

Ready to create your restaurant's QR Code menu? Your customers will thank you!

Our Obypay experts are there to guide you step by step and provide personalized advice tailored to your establishment. Contact us to arrange a free demo.


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